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� Hq�Qc @ s� d Z d d l m Z m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d Z d d � Z i e d d d e d � e d � f g e e d � f d 6Z e j d 7_ d S( s� command to display child changesets (DEPRECATED) This extension is deprecated. You should use :hg:`log -r "children(REV)"` instead. i����( t cmdutilt commands( t templateopts( t _t internalc K s~ | j d � } | r- | j | d | �} n | | } t j | | | � } x! | j � D] } | j | � qY W| j � d S( s� show the children of the given or working directory revision Print the children of the working directory's revisions. If a revision is given via -r/--rev, the children of that revision will be printed. If a file argument is given, revision in which the file was last changed (after the working directory revision or the argument to --rev if given) is printed. t revt changeidN( t gett filectxR t show_changesett childrent showt close( t uit repot file_t optsR t ctxt displayert cctx( ( s4 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/children.pyR s t rR t s'