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� Hq�Qc @ s} d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z d � Z e e e e e e d d � Z e e e e e e d d � Z d S( i����N( t _c # s | s d St j t j � i � d � d � � � � f d � } d � | D� � � f d � � � f d � � � f d � � � � � � f d � } � � } xr| d k rx | t j k r� � � } q� W| d k r d � � g f f V� � � d 7� � � } q� | d k r}� � � t j � \ } } t | � } x�t d | � D]* } d � � g f f V� � � d 7� qLWq� | d k r4| d k r�� � } n | | � \ } } | g } x2 | d k r�| � � � \ } } | j | � q�Wg | D] } | | � ^ q�} d � | f f V� � � d 7� q� | d k rd| � � � \ } } | | � � q� | d k r�| � � � \ } } � � | <d � | f f Vq� | d k r�| � � � \ } } d | f Vq� | d k rV� � } | d k r6d } � � } x# | d k r'| | 7} � � } qWd | f Vq| | � \ } } d | f Vq� | d k r�x� | d k r}� � } qeWq� | d k r�d � � � } q� | d k r�d Sd } d } x9 | d k r�| d k r�| | 7} | d 7} � � } q�Wt j t d � | � � q� Wd S( s� parses a DAG from a concise textual description; generates events "+n" is a linear run of n nodes based on the current default parent "." is a single node based on the current default parent "$" resets the default parent to -1 (implied at the start); otherwise the default parent is always the last node created "<p" sets the default parent to the backref p "*p" is a fork at parent p, where p is a backref "*p1/p2/.../pn" is a merge of parents p1..pn, where the pi are backrefs "/p2/.../pn" is a merge of the preceding node and p2..pn ":name" defines a label for the preceding node; labels can be redefined "@text" emits an annotation event for text "!command" emits an action event for the current node "!!my command " is like "!", but to the end of the line "#... " is a comment up to the end of the line Whitespace between the above elements is ignored. A backref is either * a number n, which references the node curr-n, where curr is the current node, or * the name of a label you placed earlier using ":name", or * empty to denote the default parent. All string valued-elements are either strictly alphanumeric, or must be enclosed in double quotes ("..."), with "" as escape character. Generates sequence of ('n', (id, [parentids])) for node creation ('l', (id, labelname)) for labels on nodes ('a', text) for annotations ('c', command) for actions (!) ('C', command) for line actions (!!) Examples -------- Example of a complex graph (output not shown for brevity): >>> len(list(parsedag(""" ... ... +3 # 3 nodes in linear run ... :forkhere # a label for the last of the 3 nodes from above ... +5 # 5 more nodes on one branch ... :mergethis # label again ... <forkhere # set default parent to labeled fork node ... +10 # 10 more nodes on a parallel branch ... @stable # following nodes will be annotated as "stable" ... +5 # 5 nodes in stable ... !addfile # custom command; could trigger new file in next node ... +2 # two more nodes ... /mergethis # merge last node with labeled node ... +4 # 4 more nodes descending from merge node ... ... """))) 34 Empty list: >>> list(parsedag("")) [] A simple linear run: >>> list(parsedag("+3")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0])), ('n', (2, [1]))] Some non-standard ways to define such runs: >>> list(parsedag("+1+2")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0])), ('n', (2, [1]))] >>> list(parsedag("+1*1*")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0])), ('n', (2, [1]))] >>> list(parsedag("*")) [('n', (0, [-1]))] >>> list(parsedag("...")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0])), ('n', (2, [1]))] A fork and a join, using numeric back references: >>> list(parsedag("+2*2*/2")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0])), ('n', (2, [0])), ('n', (3, [2, 1]))] >>> list(parsedag("+2<2+1/2")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0])), ('n', (2, [0])), ('n', (3, [2, 1]))] Placing a label: >>> list(parsedag("+1 :mylabel +1")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('l', (0, 'mylabel')), ('n', (1, [0]))] An empty label (silly, really): >>> list(parsedag("+1:+1")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('l', (0, '')), ('n', (1, [0]))] Fork and join, but with labels instead of numeric back references: >>> list(parsedag("+1:f +1:p2 *f */p2")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('l', (0, 'f')), ('n', (1, [0])), ('l', (1, 'p2')), ('n', (2, [0])), ('n', (3, [2, 1]))] >>> list(parsedag("+1:f +1:p2 <f +1 /p2")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('l', (0, 'f')), ('n', (1, [0])), ('l', (1, 'p2')), ('n', (2, [0])), ('n', (3, [2, 1]))] Restarting from the root: >>> list(parsedag("+1 $ +1")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [-1]))] Annotations, which are meant to introduce sticky state for subsequent nodes: >>> list(parsedag("+1 @ann +1")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('a', 'ann'), ('n', (1, [0]))] >>> list(parsedag('+1 @"my annotation" +1')) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('a', 'my annotation'), ('n', (1, [0]))] Commands, which are meant to operate on the most recently created node: >>> list(parsedag("+1 !cmd +1")) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('c', 'cmd'), ('n', (1, [0]))] >>> list(parsedag('+1 !"my command" +1')) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('c', 'my command'), ('n', (1, [0]))] >>> list(parsedag('+1 !!my command line\n +1')) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('C', 'my command line'), ('n', (1, [0]))] Comments, which extend to the end of the line: >>> list(parsedag('+1 # comment\n+1')) [('n', (0, [-1])), ('n', (1, [0]))] Error: >>> try: list(parsedag('+1 bad')) ... except Exception, e: print e invalid character in dag description: bad... Ni����i c s7 | s � S| d t j k r+ � t | � S� | Sd S( Ni ( t stringt digitst int( t ref( t labelst p1t r( s9 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/dagparser.pyt resolve� s c s s | ] } | Vq d S( N( ( t .0t c( ( s9 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/dagparser.pys <genexpr>� s c s'