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� Hq�Qc @ s� d d l m Z m Z d d l m Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d e d � Z d e f d � � YZ d e d e d � Z d � Z e d � Z e e d � Z d S( i����( t nullidt short( t _Nc C s� | j d � s% t j | | | | � S| r� t } | j j } x- | D]% } | j | � d k rD t } PqD qD W| r� | t | f Sn t j | j | | d | �} | \ } } } t | � | | p� t | � f S( s> Return a tuple (common, anyincoming, heads) used to identify the common subset of nodes between repo and remote. "common" is a list of (at least) the heads of the common subset. "anyincoming" is testable as a boolean indicating if any nodes are missing locally. If remote does not support getbundle, this actually is a list of roots of the nodes that would be incoming, to be supplied to changegroupsubset. No code except for pull should be relying on this fact any longer. "heads" is either the supplied heads, or else the remote's heads. If you pass heads and they are all known locally, the response lists just these heads in "common" and in "heads". Please use findcommonoutgoing to compute the set of outgoing nodes to give extensions a good hook into outgoing. t getbundlet abortwhenunrelatedN( t capablet treediscoveryt findcommonincomingt Truet changelogt nodemapt gett Nonet Falset setdiscoveryt findcommonheadst uit list( t repot remotet headst forcet allknownt nmt ht rest commont anyinct srvheads( ( s9 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/discovery.pyR s t outgoingc B sD e Z d Z d � Z d � Z e j d � � Z e j d � � Z RS( s Represents the set of nodes present in a local repo but not in a (possibly) remote one. Members: missing is a list of all nodes present in local but not in remote. common is a list of all nodes shared between the two repos. excluded is the list of missing changeset that shouldn't be sent remotely. missingheads is the list of heads of missing. commonheads is the list of heads of common. The sets are computed on demand from the heads, unless provided upfront by discovery.c C s: | | _ | | _ | | _ d | _ d | _ g | _ d S( N( t commonheadst missingheadst _revlogR t _commont _missingt excluded( t selft revlogR R ( ( s9 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/discovery.pyt __init__A s c C s1 | j j | j | j � } | \ | _ | _ d S( N( R t findcommonmissingR R R! R"