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� Hq�Qc @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d e f d � � YZ d a d � Z d � Z d S( sK show progress bars for some actions This extension uses the progress information logged by hg commands to draw progress bars that are as informative as possible. Some progress bars only offer indeterminate information, while others have a definite end point. The following settings are available:: [progress] delay = 3 # number of seconds (float) before showing the progress bar changedelay = 1 # changedelay: minimum delay before showing a new topic. # If set to less than 3 * refresh, that value will # be used instead. refresh = 0.1 # time in seconds between refreshes of the progress bar format = topic bar number estimate # format of the progress bar width = <none> # if set, the maximum width of the progress information # (that is, min(width, term width) will be used) clear-complete = True # clear the progress bar after it's done disable = False # if true, don't show a progress bar assume-tty = False # if true, ALWAYS show a progress bar, unless # disable is given Valid entries for the format field are topic, bar, number, unit, estimate, speed, and item. item defaults to the last 20 characters of the item, but this can be changed by adding either ``-<num>`` which would take the last num characters, or ``+<num>`` for the first num characters. i����N( t _t internalc G s d j d � | D� � S( Nt c s s | ] } | r | Vq d S( N( ( t .0t s( ( s4 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/progress.pys <genexpr>- s ( t join( t args( ( s4 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/progress.pyt spacejoin, s c C s"