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� Hq�Qc @ s� d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z m Z d Z d e d � Z d � Z i e d d d e d � f g e d � f d 6e g d f d 6Z e j d 7_ d S( s: share a common history between several working directoriesi����( t _( t hgt commandst utilt internalc C s t j | | | | � S( s� create a new shared repository Initialize a new repository and working directory that shares its history with another repository. .. note:: using rollback or extensions that destroy/modify history (mq, rebase, etc.) can cause considerable confusion with shared clones. In particular, if two shared clones are both updated to the same changeset, and one of them destroys that changeset with rollback, the other clone will suddenly stop working: all operations will fail with "abort: working directory has unknown parent". The only known workaround is to use debugsetparents on the broken clone to reset it to a changeset that still exists (e.g. tip). ( R t share( t uit sourcet destt noupdate( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/share.pyR s c C s� | j | j k r* t j t d � � � n d } } | j � } zY t j | | | j � } | j d � } t j | | d � | j j d � | j � Wd | o� | j � | o� | j � X| j | j | j � d S( su convert a shared repository to a normal one Copy the store data to the repo and remove the sharedpath data. s this is not a shared repot sharedpaths .oldN( R t pathR t AbortR t Nonet lockR t copystoret joint renamet requirementst discardt _writerequirementst releaset __init__t baseuit root( R t repot destlockR t sharefile( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/share.pyt unshare! s t UR s do not create a working copys [-U] SOURCE [DEST]R t R s shareN( t __doc__t mercurial.i18nR t mercurialR R R t testedwithR t FalseR R t cmdtablet norepo( ( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/share.pyt <module> s