Upload FileeE
/* By André Rinas, www.andreknieriem.de Available for use under the MIT License */ ;( function( $, window, document, undefined ) { 'use strict'; $.fn.simpleLightbox = function( options ) { var options = $.extend({ overlay: true, spinner: true, nav: true, navText: ['‹', '›'], captions: true, captionDelay: 0, captionSelector: 'img', captionType: 'attr', captionsData: 'title', captionPosition: 'bottom', close: true, closeText: '×', swipeClose: true, showCounter: true, fileExt: 'png|jpg|jpeg|gif', animationSlide: true, animationSpeed: 250, preloading: true, enableKeyboard: true, loop: true, rel: false, docClose: true, swipeTolerance: 50, className: 'simple-lightbox', widthRatio: 0.8, heightRatio: 0.9, disableRightClick: false, disableScroll: true, alertError: true, alertErrorMessage: 'Image not found, next image will be loaded', additionalHtml: false, history: true }, options); // global variables var touchDevice = ( 'ontouchstart' in window ), pointerEnabled = window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled, touched = function( event ){ if( touchDevice ) return true; if( !pointerEnabled || typeof event === 'undefined' || typeof event.pointerType === 'undefined' ) return false; if( typeof event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE !== 'undefined' ) { if( event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE != event.pointerType ) return true; } else { if( event.pointerType != 'mouse' ) return true; } return false; }, swipeDiff = 0, swipeYDiff = 0, curImg = $(), transPrefix = function(){ var s = document.body || document.documentElement; s = s.style; if( s.WebkitTransition === '' ) return '-webkit-'; if( s.MozTransition === '' ) return '-moz-'; if( s.OTransition === '' ) return '-o-'; if( s.transition === '' ) return ''; return false; }, opened = false, loaded = [], getRelated = function(rel, jqObj) { var $related = $(jqObj.selector).filter(function () { return ($(this).attr('rel') === rel); }); return $related; }, objects = (options.rel && options.rel !== false) ? getRelated(options.rel, this) : this, transPrefix = transPrefix(), globalScrollbarwidth = 0, canTransisions = (transPrefix !== false) ? true : false, supportsPushState = ('pushState' in history), historyhasChanged = false, historyUpdateTimeout, winLoc = window.location, getHash = function(){ return winLoc.hash.substring(1); }, initialHash = getHash(), updateHash = function(){ var hash = getHash(), newHash = 'pid='+(index+1); var newURL = winLoc.href.split('#')[0] + '#' + newHash; if(supportsPushState){ history[historyhasChanged ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']('', document.title, newURL); }else { if(historyhasChanged) { winLoc.replace( newURL ); } else { winLoc.hash = newHash; } } historyhasChanged = true; }, resetHash = function() { if (supportsPushState) { history.pushState('', document.title, winLoc.pathname + winLoc.search ); } else { winLoc.hash = ''; } clearTimeout(historyUpdateTimeout); }, updateURL = function(){ if(!historyhasChanged) { updateHash(); // first time } else { historyUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(updateHash, 800); } }, prefix = 'simplelb', overlay = $('<div>').addClass('sl-overlay'), closeBtn = $('<button>').addClass('sl-close').html(options.closeText), spinner = $('<div>').addClass('sl-spinner').html('<div></div>'), nav = $('<div>').addClass('sl-navigation').html('<button class="sl-prev">'+options.navText[0]+'</button><button class="sl-next">'+options.navText[1]+'</button>'), counter = $('<div>').addClass('sl-counter').html('<span class="sl-current"></span>/<span class="sl-total"></span>'), animating = false, index = 0, caption = $('<div>').addClass('sl-caption pos-'+options.captionPosition), image = $('<div>').addClass('sl-image'), wrapper = $('<div>').addClass('sl-wrapper').addClass(options.className), isValidLink = function( element ){ if(!options.fileExt) return true; return $( element ).prop( 'tagName' ).toLowerCase() == 'a' && ( new RegExp( '\.(' + options.fileExt + ')$', 'i' ) ).test( $( element ).attr( 'href' ) ); }, setup = function(){ if(options.close) closeBtn.appendTo(wrapper); if(options.showCounter){ if(objects.length > 1){ counter.appendTo(wrapper); counter.find('.sl-total').text(objects.length); } } if(options.nav) nav.appendTo(wrapper); if(options.spinner) spinner.appendTo(wrapper); }, openImage = function(elem){ elem.trigger($.Event('show.simplelightbox')); if(options.disableScroll) globalScrollbarwidth = handleScrollbar('hide'); wrapper.appendTo('body'); image.appendTo(wrapper); if(options.overlay) overlay.appendTo($('body')); animating = true; index = objects.index(elem); curImg = $( '<img/>' ) .hide() .attr('src', elem.attr('href')); if(loaded.indexOf(elem.attr('href')) == -1){ loaded.push(elem.attr('href')); } image.html('').attr('style',''); curImg.appendTo(image); addEvents(); overlay.fadeIn('fast'); $('.sl-close').fadeIn('fast'); spinner.show(); nav.fadeIn('fast'); $('.sl-wrapper .sl-counter .sl-current').text(index +1); counter.fadeIn('fast'); adjustImage(); if(options.preloading) preload(); setTimeout( function(){ elem.trigger($.Event('shown.simplelightbox')); } ,options.animationSpeed); }, adjustImage = function(dir){ if(!curImg.length) return; var tmpImage = new Image(), windowWidth = $( window ).width() * options.widthRatio, windowHeight = $( window ).height() * options.heightRatio; tmpImage.src = curImg.attr( 'src' ); $(tmpImage).bind('error',function(ev){ //no image was found objects.eq(index).trigger($.Event('error.simplelightbox')); animating = false; opened = true; spinner.hide(); if(options.alertError){ alert(options.alertErrorMessage); } if(dir == 1 || dir == -1){ loadImage(dir); } else { loadImage(1); } return; }); tmpImage.onload = function() { if (typeof dir !== 'undefined') { objects.eq(index) .trigger($.Event('changed.simplelightbox')) .trigger($.Event( (dir===1?'nextDone':'prevDone')+'.simplelightbox')); } // history if(options.history){ updateURL(); } if(loaded.indexOf(curImg.attr( 'src' )) == -1){ loaded.push(curImg.attr( 'src' )); } var imageWidth = tmpImage.width, imageHeight = tmpImage.height; if( imageWidth > windowWidth || imageHeight > windowHeight ){ var ratio = imageWidth / imageHeight > windowWidth / windowHeight ? imageWidth / windowWidth : imageHeight / windowHeight; imageWidth /= ratio; imageHeight /= ratio; } $('.sl-image').css({ 'top': ( $( window ).height() - imageHeight ) / 2 + 'px', 'left': ( $( window ).width() - imageWidth - globalScrollbarwidth)/ 2 + 'px' }); spinner.hide(); curImg .css({ 'width': imageWidth + 'px', 'height': imageHeight + 'px' }) .fadeIn('fast'); opened = true; var cSel = (options.captionSelector == 'self') ? objects.eq(index) : objects.eq(index).find(options.captionSelector); var captionText; if(options.captionType == 'data'){ captionText = cSel.data(options.captionsData); } else if(options.captionType == 'text'){ captionText = cSel.html(); } else { captionText = cSel.prop(options.captionsData); } if(!options.loop) { if(index === 0){ $('.sl-prev').hide();} if(index >= objects.length -1) {$('.sl-next').hide();} if(index > 0){ $('.sl-prev').show(); } if(index < objects.length -1){ $('.sl-next').show(); } } if(objects.length == 1) $('.sl-prev, .sl-next').hide(); if(dir == 1 || dir == -1){ var css = { 'opacity': 1.0 }; if( options.animationSlide ) { if( canTransisions ) { slide(0, 100 * dir + 'px'); setTimeout( function(){ slide( options.animationSpeed / 1000, 0 + 'px'), 50 }); } else { css.left = parseInt( $('.sl-image').css( 'left' ) ) + 100 * dir + 'px'; } } $('.sl-image').animate( css, options.animationSpeed, function(){ animating = false; setCaption(captionText); }); } else { animating = false; setCaption(captionText); } if(options.additionalHtml && $('.sl-additional-html').length === 0){ $('<div>').html(options.additionalHtml).addClass('sl-additional-html').appendTo($('.sl-image')); } }; }, setCaption = function(captiontext){ if(captiontext !== '' && typeof captiontext !== "undefined" && options.captions){ caption.html(captiontext).hide().appendTo($('.sl-image')).delay(options.captionDelay).fadeIn('fast'); } }, slide = function(speed, pos){ var styles = {}; styles[transPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translateX(' + pos + ')'; styles[transPrefix + 'transition'] = transPrefix + 'transform ' + speed + 's linear'; $('.sl-image').css(styles); }, addEvents = function(){ // resize/responsive $( window ).on( 'resize.'+prefix, adjustImage ); // close lightbox on close btn $( document ).on('click.'+prefix+ ' touchstart.'+prefix, '.sl-close', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(opened){ close();} }); if(options.history){ setTimeout(function() { $(window).on('hashchange.'+prefix,function(){ if(opened){ if(getHash() === initialHash) { close(); return; } } }); }, 40); } // nav-buttons nav.on('click.'+prefix, 'button', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); swipeDiff = 0; loadImage( $(this).hasClass('sl-next') ? 1 : -1 ); }); // touchcontrols var swipeStart = 0, swipeEnd = 0, swipeYStart = 0, swipeYEnd = 0, mousedown = false, imageLeft = 0; image .on( 'touchstart.'+prefix+' mousedown.'+prefix, function(e) { if(mousedown) return true; if( canTransisions ) imageLeft = parseInt( image.css( 'left' ) ); mousedown = true; swipeStart = e.originalEvent.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ].pageX; swipeYStart = e.originalEvent.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ].pageY; return false; }) .on( 'touchmove.'+prefix+' mousemove.'+prefix+' pointermove MSPointerMove', function(e) { if(!mousedown) return true; e.preventDefault(); swipeEnd = e.originalEvent.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ].pageX; swipeYEnd = e.originalEvent.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ].pageY; swipeDiff = swipeStart - swipeEnd; swipeYDiff = swipeYStart - swipeYEnd; if( options.animationSlide ) { if( canTransisions ) slide( 0, -swipeDiff + 'px' ); else image.css( 'left', imageLeft - swipeDiff + 'px' ); } }) .on( 'touchend.'+prefix+' mouseup.'+prefix+' touchcancel.'+prefix+' mouseleave.'+prefix+' pointerup pointercancel MSPointerUp MSPointerCancel',function(e) { if(mousedown){ mousedown = false; var possibleDir = true; if(!options.loop) { if(index === 0 && swipeDiff < 0){ possibleDir = false; } if(index >= objects.length -1 && swipeDiff > 0) { possibleDir = false; } } if( Math.abs( swipeDiff ) > options.swipeTolerance && possibleDir ) { loadImage( swipeDiff > 0 ? 1 : -1 ); } else if( options.animationSlide ) { if( canTransisions ) slide( options.animationSpeed / 1000, 0 + 'px' ); else image.animate({ 'left': imageLeft + 'px' }, options.animationSpeed / 2 ); } if( options.swipeClose && Math.abs(swipeYDiff) > 50 && Math.abs( swipeDiff ) < options.swipeTolerance) { close(); } } }); }, removeEvents = function(){ nav.off('click', 'button'); $( document ).off('click.'+prefix, '.sl-close'); $( window ).off( 'resize.'+prefix); $( window ).off( 'hashchange.'+prefix); }, preload = function(){ var next = (index+1 < 0) ? objects.length -1: (index+1 >= objects.length -1) ? 0 : index+1, prev = (index-1 < 0) ? objects.length -1: (index-1 >= objects.length -1) ? 0 : index-1; $( '<img />' ).attr( 'src', objects.eq(next).attr( 'href' ) ).on('load', function(){ if(loaded.indexOf($(this).attr('src')) == -1){ loaded.push($(this).attr('src')); } objects.eq(index).trigger($.Event('nextImageLoaded.simplelightbox')); }); $( '<img />' ).attr( 'src', objects.eq(prev).attr( 'href' ) ).on('load', function(){ if(loaded.indexOf($(this).attr('src')) == -1){ loaded.push($(this).attr('src')); } objects.eq(index).trigger($.Event('prevImageLoaded.simplelightbox')); }); }, loadImage = function(dir){ objects.eq(index) .trigger($.Event('change.simplelightbox')) .trigger($.Event( (dir===1?'next':'prev')+'.simplelightbox')); var newIndex = index + dir; if(animating || (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= objects.length) && options.loop === false ) return; index = (newIndex < 0) ? objects.length -1: (newIndex > objects.length -1) ? 0 : newIndex; $('.sl-wrapper .sl-counter .sl-current').text(index +1); var css = { 'opacity': 0 }; if( options.animationSlide ) { if( canTransisions ) slide(options.animationSpeed / 1000, ( -100 * dir ) - swipeDiff + 'px'); else css.left = parseInt( $('.sl-image').css( 'left' ) ) + -100 * dir + 'px'; } $('.sl-image').animate( css, options.animationSpeed, function(){ setTimeout( function(){ // fadeout old image var elem = objects.eq(index); curImg .attr('src', elem.attr('href')); if(loaded.indexOf(elem.attr('href')) == -1){ spinner.show(); } $('.sl-caption').remove(); adjustImage(dir); if(options.preloading) preload(); }, 100); }); }, close = function(){ if(animating) return; var elem = objects.eq(index), triggered = false; elem.trigger($.Event('close.simplelightbox')); if(options.history){ resetHash(); } $('.sl-image img, .sl-overlay, .sl-close, .sl-navigation, .sl-image .sl-caption, .sl-counter').fadeOut('fast', function(){ if(options.disableScroll) handleScrollbar('show'); $('.sl-wrapper, .sl-overlay').remove(); removeEvents(); if(!triggered) elem.trigger($.Event('closed.simplelightbox')); triggered = true; }); curImg = $(); opened = false; animating = false; }, handleScrollbar = function(type){ var scrollbarWidth = 0; if(type == 'hide'){ var fullWindowWidth = window.innerWidth; if (!fullWindowWidth) { var documentElementRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); fullWindowWidth = documentElementRect.right - Math.abs(documentElementRect.left); } if(document.body.clientWidth < fullWindowWidth){ var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div'), padding = parseInt($('body').css('padding-right'),10); scrollDiv.className = 'sl-scrollbar-measure'; $('body').append(scrollDiv); scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth; $(document.body)[0].removeChild(scrollDiv); $('body').data('padding',padding); if(scrollbarWidth > 0){ $('body').addClass('hidden-scroll').css({'padding-right':padding+scrollbarWidth}); } } } else { $('body').removeClass('hidden-scroll').css({'padding-right':$('body').data('padding')}); } return scrollbarWidth; }; // events setup(); // open lightbox objects.on( 'click.'+prefix, function( e ){ if(isValidLink(this)){ e.preventDefault(); if(animating) return false; openImage($(this)); } }); // close on click on doc $( document ).on('click.'+prefix+ ' touchstart.'+prefix, function(e){ if(opened){ if((options.docClose && $(e.target).closest('.sl-image').length === 0 && $(e.target).closest('.sl-navigation').length === 0)){ close(); } } }); // disable rightclick if(options.disableRightClick){ $( document ).on('contextmenu', '.sl-image img', function(e){ return false; }); } // keyboard-control if( options.enableKeyboard ){ $( document ).on( 'keyup.'+prefix, function( e ){ e.preventDefault(); swipeDiff = 0; // keyboard control only if lightbox is open if(opened){ var key = e.keyCode; if( key == 27 ) { close(); } if( key == 37 || e.keyCode == 39 ) { loadImage( e.keyCode == 39 ? 1 : -1 ); } } }); } // Public methods this.open = function(elem){ elem = elem || $(this[0]); openImage(elem); }; this.next = function(){ loadImage( 1 ); }; this.prev = function(){ loadImage( -1 ); }; this.close = function(){ close(); }; this.destroy = function(){ $( document ).unbind('click.'+prefix).unbind('keyup.'+prefix); close(); $('.sl-overlay, .sl-wrapper').remove(); this.off('click'); }; this.refresh = function(){ this.destroy(); $(this.selector).simpleLightbox(options); }; return this; }; })( jQuery, window, document );